Benefits of loose leaf tea

Loose leaf v.s bag tea

Loose leaf tea has become a household favorite! Loose leaf tea, as opposed to tea bags, offers so many benefits that make it a preferred choice for tea lovers! One of the key advantages lies in its superior flavor and aroma. Loose leaf teas are made from whole tea leaves, which allow for a more complex and nuanced flavor profile compared to the broken leaves found in tea bags. The burst of flavor that can be tasted with each sip can not be beat! Also, loose leaf teas are typically fresher since they have more space, ensuring a richer and more satisfying tea-drinking experience. 

Another benefit is the lower environmental impact, as loose leaf tea often comes in minimal or biodegradable packaging, cutting down on excess waste. A small change to make to keep trash out of the oceans! Additionally, loose leaf tea allows for personalized brewing, allowing you to adjust the amount and steeping time to your preference, resulting in a perfectly customized cup of tea every time! I remember the first time I had loose leaf tea and I was shocked by the amount of flavor in just one sip! I like to think that loose leaf tea doesn’t just indulge the senses but also supports a more sustainable and enjoyable tea ritual.

Have a healthier gut!

Butterfly pea flower, scientifically known as Clitoria ternatea, offers a range of health benefits and culinary uses. It is rich in antioxidants and the vibrant blue petals of the butterfly pea flower make for a jaw-dropping blue tea!. The flower has been traditionally used in various traditional medicines to alleviate stress, anxiety, and promote better sleep. Additionally, its natural blue color, which is pH-sensitive, makes it an intriguing ingredient in food and beverages. Do you like purple? This tea gives you a little magic trick inside your cup! With potential benefits for skin health and digestion, the butterfly pea flower continues to captivate me to find more blends to add it to. 

Help calm your nerves!

Lavender is known for its enchanting fragrance and pretty purple blooms, and holds many therapeutic benefits. I love to make a cup of Lavender tea at the end of a hectic day. Lavender is believed to have calming effects on the nervous system, aiding in better sleep and easing anxiety. Additionally, this versatile flower possesses anti-inflammatory properties, which can be helpful for skin irritations and promote healing. With its array of benefits, lavender remains a beloved flower for achieving a sense of tranquility and wellness in my life. 

Health Benefits

Benefits of Hibiscus.

- Lowers Cholesterol
- Full of Antioxidants
- Boost Liver Health
- Great Source of Vitamin C

Benefits of Elderberry

- High in Antioxidants
- Boost Immune Function
- Lower Blood Pressure Levels
- Reduced Blood Sugar Levels

Benefits of Butterfly pea

- Promotes Healthy Skin and Hair
- Anti Inflammatory
- High in Antioxidants
- Improves Digestion Health

Benefits of Lavender

- Helps with Anxiety
- Reduces inflammation
- Balances the Immune System
- improves Sleep Health

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